To hear her story, you would begin to appreciate the efforts of self preservation. A few years ago, Melonie Powell as a victim of domestic abuse at 18 years old with four toddlers. She escaped her environment late one night with a train ticket to Portland Oregon to get reunited with her mother. Thinking that she was leaving her past behind her, Powell became entangled in drugs, crimes and losing her children to DHS. Living on the streets of Portland, she slept at night under a major bridge and would wake up each morning looking at a billboard of a doctor. One day she made a self determined move to change her life.

Cleaned up her addiction, got her GED and went back to school to become a registered nurse. Today, she is working with the same doctor that she used to see on the Portland billboard each morning. I considered him my guardian angel. Powell gave a moving testimony of her life account at a local organization breakfast meeting. In the audience were community business leaders, Roy Jay, Greg Goodman and Ann Edlen who heard a tear jerking story of how Melonie had managed to pull herself up my her bootstraps and head toward the finish line.

Her next goal is to move to the next level of nursing at the world acclaimed OSHU. Upon hearing her story, Roy Jay approached her after every was leaving the room to see how she was planning to pay for her new dream. She replied ” I am praying”. Part of her prayer came true as Jay along with Goodman and Edlen committed $10,000 within minutes to her education. The press conference provide a bit more detail.

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