Roy Jay Helps Boost Urban League Annual Fund Raising Contributions!
In the packed ballroom of the lavish Oregon Convention Center, Portland Oregon’s Urban League annual dinner was not just your ordinary annual appreciation and fund raising event. The Urban League like many other local area nonprofits were facing budget and funding cuts due to declining economic situations.
Urban League’s CEO, Marcus Mundy knew that he needed someone special to make this year ASK for contributions from the audience. He used the special number programmed into his cell phone to call a man who once told him call me if I can be of any help. Marcus took Roy Jays comment literally and called asking him to do the ASK. Jay not only accepted the challenge, he raised the bar on Thursday night and set a new standard for all of those that follow behind him.
Jay never told Mundy until the evening of the event that he had an idea to increase contributions that night. As Jay took the stage, he used his business/comedic style to get the audience warmed up for the moment of anticipation where they would pull out their check books or credit cards. This is where the story really begins. Jay told the audience every reason why they should financially support the Urban League and then presented a real incentive that nobody else has ever thought of. The audience was encouraged to contribute by cash, check, and credit card and at the end of the evening; one individual would have their envelope draw and would receive their choice of one months paid utility bill, auto loan, and mortgage or rent payment. Although the final amount was never disclosed or counted, it was obvious that volunteer ushers were quickly moving from table to table picking up envelopes. The evening winner was one, Donna Hammond of Vancouver Washington who will decide which monthly obligation that she wants to be reimbursed.
Of the 700 plus people attending, it is estimated that at least 70% gave some type of donation to the Urban League. The cash incentive was jointly sponsored by Central Parking – Portland, African American Chamber of Commerce, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives NW Chapter and National Alliance of Minority Chambers, Washington DC.